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Thank you for reading me!

Hi all, thank you so much for taking the time to read this blog! No piece of writing of mine would be complete without an apology near the beginning so… Sorry for taking my time to sort this out – Peter and Tony have beaten me to it as they’re much more dedicated and efficient than me, so please check out their wonderful blogs on & My excuse is that I’ve really struggled with setting up this blog as the internet was not working properly! Anyways, enough grovelling and onto the blog!

I’m very privileged to be back in Uganda for my 5th time with Children of Hope. Check out our website for more information on the charity. Each time I come to Uganda, it feels that I take so much more away than I could ever give out, so it’s a completely selfish expedition really! Uganda is such a beautiful country – the people, the weather, the love that you feel from everyone. It’s contagious so that’s why I keep coming back. It appears, that this contagion is spreading as, since 2010, when I came out for the first time as a second year medical student, with just my parents, brother, and Juliet along with her son, the team has grown exponentially. Today, I am here as an ST4 registrar in general adult psychiatry, as part of a wonderful team of 15, including GPs, an orthopaedic surgeon, nurses, a health visitor, teachers and counsellors, along with some of the charity trustees and the UK director of Children of Hope. Another GP is joining us later in the week.


In the 9 years that I have been involved with Children of Hope, we have built 2 schools, organised multiple medical missions, sponsored 100s of children and made some incredible friends. The work that the Ugandan team do out here is wonderful. Led by Pastor John Bunjo, the team tirelessly translate for us, organise us and drive us around. In addition to this, the most important and amazing work that they do is that they continue to follow up the work that we start in clinics and look after the sponsored children. Without the Children of Hope Ugandan team, there is no way that we could succeed therefore I am deeply grateful to them.


We're here in Uganda for the next 2 weeks so I will aim to keep you updated on this website with what we do! Thank you so much for taking the time to read this.

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